For the purpose of paying the principal and interest of the bonds as the bonds become due, or as the bonds become callable at the option of the capitol committee, there is created a fund to be denominated the "state building and parking bond redemption fund". While any of the bonds remain outstanding and unpaid, it shall be the duty of the capitol committee on or before June 30th of each year to determine the amount that will be required for the redemption of bonds and the payment of interest during the next fiscal year, and certify the amount to the state treasurer in writing. The state treasurer shall forthwith and thereafter during that fiscal year and at least fifteen days prior to each interest and principal payment date deposit into the state building and parking bond redemption fund all receipts from any parking facilities and to the extent necessary from receipts from leases and contracts of sale heretofore or hereafter made of lands, timber, and other products from the surface or beneath the surface of the lands granted to the state by the United States pursuant to the act of congress until the amount certified to the treasurer by the capitol committee has accrued to the state building and parking bond redemption fund. Nothing in RCW 79.24.650 through 79.24.668 shall prohibit the use of such receipts from leases and contracts of sale for any other lawfully authorized purpose when not required for the redemption and payment of interest and meeting the covenant requirements of the bonds authorized herein.
In addition to certifying and providing for the annual amounts required to pay the principal and interest of the bonds, the capitol committee may, under such terms and conditions and at such times and in such amounts as may be found necessary to insure the sale of the bonds, provide for additional payments into the state building and parking bond redemption fund to be held as a reserve to secure the payment of the principal and interest of such bonds.
The owner and holder of any of the bonds or the trustee for any of the bonds may by mandamus or other appropriate proceeding require and compel the deposit and payment of funds as directed herein.
The proceeds from the sale of the bonds hereby authorized shall be paid into the general fund -- state building construction account.
If a nondebt-limit revenue bond retirement account is created in the state treasury by chapter 456, Laws of 1997 and becomes effective prior to the issuance of any of the bonds authorized by this chapter, the nondebt-limit revenue bond retirement account shall be used for the purposes of this chapter in lieu of the state building and parking bond redemption fund.
[1997 c 456 § 28; 1969 ex.s. c 272 § 5.]
Notes: Severability -- 1997 c 456: See RCW 43.99L.900.
Effective date -- 1997 c 456 §§ 9-43: See RCW 43.99M.901.