Any person, firm or corporation hereafter acquiring the right-of-way or other easement over state lands or over any tide or shore lands belonging to the state, or over and across any navigable water or stream for the purpose of transporting or moving timber, stone, mineral, or other natural products of the lands, and the manufactured products thereof and engaged in such business thereon, shall accord to the state or any grantee or successor in interest thereof hereafter acquiring state lands containing valuable timber, stone, mineral or other natural products of the land, or any person, firm or corporation hereafter acquiring the timber, stone, mineral or other natural products situate upon state lands, or the manufactured products thereof proper and reasonable facilities and service, including physical connection therewith, for the transportation and moving of such timber, stone, mineral and other natural products of the land, and the manufactured products thereof and all necessary machinery, supplies or materials to be used in transporting, cutting, manufacturing, mining or quarrying any or all of such products under reasonable rules and regulations upon payment of just and reasonable charges therefor, or, if such right-of-way or other easement is not then in use to have the right to use such right-of-way or easement for transporting and moving such products under such reasonable rules and regulations and upon payment of just and reasonable charges therefor.
[1927 c 312 § 3; RRS § 8107-3. Prior: 1911 c 109 § 3. Formerly RCW 79.36.250.]
Notes:Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.390.