In case any person, firm, or corporation owning and/or operating any logging and/or lumbering railroad, private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse, or other easement subject to the provisions of RCW 79.36.590 through 79.36.650 shall fail to comply with any rule or order made by the utilities and transportation commission, after an inquiry as provided for in RCW 79.36.630, each person, firm, or corporation shall be subject to a penalty not exceeding one thousand dollars, and in addition thereto, the right-of-way over state lands theretofore granted to such person, firm, or corporation, and all improvements and structures on such right-of-way and connected therewith, shall revert to the state of Washington, and may be recovered by it in an action instituted in any court of competent jurisdiction, unless such state lands have been sold.
[2003 c 334 § 497; 1983 c 4 § 9; 1927 c 312 § 7; RRS § 8107-7. Prior: 1911 c 109 § 5. Formerly RCW 79.36.280.]
Notes: Intent -- 2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.410.