The legislature hereby designates certain areas as natural resources conservation areas:
(1) The Mt. Si conservation area (King County), RCW 79A.05.725, is hereby designated the Mt. Si natural resources conservation area. The department is directed to continue its management of this area and to develop a plan for its continued conservation and use by the public. In accordance with Article XVI of the Washington state Constitution, any available private lands and trust lands located within the designated boundaries of the Mt. Si conservation area shall be leased or acquired in fee from the appropriate trust at fair market value using funds appropriated for that purpose.
(2) Trust lands and state-owned land on Cypress Island (Skagit County) are hereby designated as the Cypress Island natural resources conservation area. Any available private lands necessary to achieve the purposes of this section shall be acquired by the department of natural resources using funds appropriated for that purpose. Trust lands located within the designated boundaries of the Cypress Island natural resources conservation area shall be leased or acquired in fee from the appropriate trust at fair market value.
(3) Woodard Bay (Thurston County) is hereby designated the Woodard Bay natural resources conservation area. The department is directed to acquire property available in Sec. 18, T.19N, R1W using funds appropriated for that purpose.
(4) The area adjacent to the Dishman Hills natural area (Spokane County) is hereby designated the Dishman Hills natural resources conservation area. The department is directed to acquire property available in Sec. 19, 29 and 30, T.25N, R44E, using funds appropriated for that purpose.
[2000 c 11 § 26; 1987 c 472 § 10.]