(1) The legislature recognizes that coordinated funding efforts are needed to maintain, develop, and improve the state's community outdoor athletic fields. Rapid population growth and increased urbanization have caused a decline in suitable outdoor fields for community athletic activities and has resulted in overcrowding and deterioration of existing surfaces. Lack of adequate community outdoor athletic fields directly affects the health and well-being of all citizens of the state, reduces the state's economic viability, and prevents Washington from maintaining and achieving the quality of life that it deserves. Therefore, it is the policy of the state and its agencies to maintain, develop, fund, and improve youth or community athletic facilities, including but not limited to community outdoor athletic fields.
(2) In carrying out this policy, the legislature intends to promote the building of new community outdoor athletic fields, the upgrading of existing community outdoor athletic fields, and the maintenance of existing community outdoor athletic fields across the state of Washington.
[2003 c 126 § 701; 2000 c 11 § 80; 1998 c 264 § 1. Formerly RCW 43.99.800.]
Notes: Contingent expiration date -- 2003 c 126 §§ 701 and 702: "Sections 701 and 702 of this act expire one year after *RCW 82.14.0494 expires." [2003 c 126 § 1002.]
*Reviser's note: RCW 82.14.0494 has a contingent expiration date. See RCW 82.14.0494(5).
Part headings not law -- Effective date -- 2003 c 126: See notes following RCW 79A.05.385.
Severability -- 1998 c 264: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [1998 c 264 § 5.]
Contingent expiration date -- 1998 c 264: "Sections 1 through 4 of this act expire one year after RCW 82.14.0494 expires." [1998 c 264 § 6.]