(1) A nonprofit corporation may be formed under the nonprofit corporation provisions of chapter 24.03 RCW to carry out the purposes of this chapter. Except as provided in RCW 79A.30.040, the corporation shall have all the powers and be subject to the same restrictions as are permitted or prescribed to nonprofit corporations and shall exercise those powers only for carrying out the purposes of this chapter and those purposes necessarily implied therefrom. The nonprofit corporation shall be known as the Washington state horse park authority. The articles of incorporation shall provide that it is the responsibility of the authority to develop, promote, operate, manage, and maintain the Washington state horse park. The articles of incorporation shall provide for appointment of directors and other conduct of business consistent with the requirements of this chapter.
(2)(a) The articles of incorporation shall provide for a seven-member board of directors for the authority, all appointed by the governor. Board members shall serve three-year terms, except that two of the original appointees shall serve one-year terms, and two of the original appointees shall serve two-year terms. A board member may serve consecutive terms.
(b) The articles of incorporation shall provide that the governor appoint board members as follows:
(i) One board member shall represent the interests of the commission. In making this appointment, the governor shall solicit recommendations from the commission;
(ii) One board member shall represent the interests of the county in which the park is located. In making this appointment, the governor shall solicit recommendations from the county legislative authority; and
(iii) Five board members shall represent the geographic and sports discipline diversity of equestrian interests in the state, and at least one of these members shall have business experience relevant to the organization of horse shows or operation of a horse show facility. In making these appointments, the governor shall solicit recommendations from a variety of active horse-related organizations in the state.
(3) The articles of incorporation shall include a policy that provides for the preferential use of a specific area of the horse park facilities at nominal cost for horse groups associated with youth groups and the disabled.
(4) The governor shall make appointments to fill board vacancies for positions authorized under subsection (2) of this section, upon additional solicitation of recommendations from the board of directors.
(5) The board of directors shall perform their duties in the best interests of the authority, consistent with the standards applicable to directors of nonprofit corporations under RCW 24.03.127.
[2000 c 11 § 85; 1995 c 200 § 4. Formerly RCW 67.18.030.]