The inspector of recreational devices and his or her assistants shall inspect all equipment and appliances connected with the recreational devices set forth in RCW 79A.40.010 and make such reports of his or her inspection to the commission as may be required. He or she shall, on discovering any defective equipment, or appliances connected therewith, rendering the use of the equipment dangerous, immediately report the same to the owner or operator of the device on which it is found, and in addition report it to the commission. If in the opinion of the inspector the continued operation of the defective equipment constitutes an immediate danger to the safety of the persons operating or being conveyed by such equipment, the inspector may condemn such equipment and shall immediately notify the commission of his or her action in this respect: PROVIDED, That inspection required by this chapter must be conducted at least once each year.
[2000 c 11 § 89; 1959 c 327 § 6. Formerly RCW 70.88.060.]