The board of an authority, by resolution, shall designate a person having experience in financial or fiscal matters as treasurer of the authority. The board may designate, with the concurrence of the treasurer, the treasurer of a county within which the authority is located. Such a treasurer shall possess all of the powers, responsibilities, and duties the county treasurer possesses for a public transportation benefit area authority related to investing surplus authority funds. The board shall require a bond with a surety company authorized to do business in the state of Washington in an amount and under the terms and conditions the board, by resolution, from time to time finds will protect the authority against loss. The premium on any such bond shall be paid by the authority.
All authority funds shall be paid to the treasurer and shall be disbursed by the treasurer only on warrants issued by the authority upon orders or vouchers approved by the board.
The treasurer shall establish a special fund, into which shall be paid all authority funds, and the treasurer shall maintain such special accounts as may be created by the authority into which shall be placed all money as the board may, by resolution, direct.
If the treasurer of the authority is the treasurer of a county, all authority funds shall be deposited with the county depositary under the same restrictions, contracts, and security as provided for county depositaries. If the treasurer of the authority is some other person, all funds shall be deposited in such bank or banks authorized to do business in this state that have qualified for insured deposits under any federal deposit insurance act as the board, by resolution, shall designate.
The authority may by resolution designate a person having experience in financial or fiscal matters, as the auditor of the authority. Such auditor shall possess all of the powers, responsibilities, and duties related to creating and maintaining funds, issuing warrants, and maintaining a record of receipts and disbursements.
The board may provide and require a reasonable bond of any other person handling moneys or securities of the authority, but the authority shall pay the premium on the bond.
[1992 c 101 § 12.]