(1) Application for tax credits under this chapter must be made to the department before making a contribution to a program or the main street trust fund. The application shall be made to the department in a form and manner prescribed by the department. The application shall contain information regarding the proposed amount of contribution to a program or the main street trust fund, and other information required by the department to determine eligibility under chapter 514, Laws of 2005. The department shall rule on the application within forty-five days. Applications shall be approved on a first-come basis.
(2) The person must make the contribution described in the approved application by the end of the calendar year in which the application is approved to claim a credit allowed under RCW 82.73.030.
(3) The department shall not accept any applications before January 1, 2006.
[2005 c 514 § 903.]
Notes: Short title -- 2005 c 514 §§ 901-912: See note following RCW 43.360.005.
Effective date -- 2005 c 514: See note following RCW 83.100.230.
Part headings not law -- Severability -- 2005 c 514: See notes following RCW 82.12.808.