Each company doing business in this state shall annually on or before the 15th day of March, make and file with the department of revenue an annual report, in such manner, upon such form, and giving such information as the department may direct: PROVIDED, That the department, upon written request filed on or before such date and for good cause shown therein, may allow an extension of time for filing not to exceed sixty days. At the time of making such report each company shall also be required to furnish to the department the annual reports of the board of directors, or other officers to the stockholders of the company, duplicate copies of the annual reports made to the interstate commerce commission or its successor agency and to the utilities and transportation commission of this state and duplicate copies of such other reports as the department may direct: PROVIDED, That the duplicate copies of these annual reports shall not be due until such time as they are due to the stockholders or commissioners.
[1998 c 311 § 12; 1984 c 132 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 278 § 161; 1961 c 15 § 84.12.230. Prior: 1935 c 123 § 3; 1925 ex.s. c 130 § 39; 1907 c 131 § 5; 1907 c 78 § 5; 1897 c 71 § 40; 1893 c 124 § 40; 1891 c 140 § 27; 1890 p 541 § 27; RRS § 11156-3. Formerly RCW 84.12.030.]
Notes: Construction -- Severability -- 1975 1st ex.s. c 278: See notes following RCW 11.08.160.