An owner of property seeking tax incentives under this chapter must complete the following procedures:
(1) In the case of rehabilitation or where demolition or new construction is required, the owner shall secure from the governing authority or duly authorized representative, before commencement of rehabilitation improvements or new construction, verification of property noncompliance with applicable building and housing codes;
(2) In the case of new and rehabilitated multifamily housing, the owner shall apply to the city on forms adopted by the governing authority. The application must contain the following:
(a) Information setting forth the grounds supporting the requested exemption including information indicated on the application form or in the guidelines;
(b) A description of the project and site plan, including the floor plan of units and other information requested;
(c) A statement that the applicant is aware of the potential tax liability involved when the property ceases to be eligible for the incentive provided under this chapter;
(3) The applicant must verify the application by oath or affirmation; and
(4) The application must be accompanied by the application fee, if any, required under RCW 84.14.080. The governing authority may permit the applicant to revise an application before final action by the governing authority.
[2007 c 430 § 7; 1999 c 132 § 2; 1997 c 429 § 43; 1995 c 375 § 8.]
Notes: Severability -- 1997 c 429: See note following RCW 36.70A.3201.