A three-member board of commissioners shall be the governing body of an intercounty diking and drainage district. The initial commissioners shall be appointed, and the elected commissioners elected, as provided in chapter 85.38 RCW.
The members of such board, before entering upon their duties, shall take and subscribe on oath substantially as follows:
State of Washington |
| ss. County of . . . . . . . . . . . .
I, the undersigned, a member of the board of commissioners of the diking and drainage district No. . . . ., in . . . . . . and . . . . . . counties, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully discharge my duties as a member of the commission.
Upon the taking of such oath and the entering into a bond, as provided in RCW 85.38.080, the county legislative authority shall enter an order upon its records that the three persons named have qualified as the board of commissioners for diking and drainage district No. . . . ., in . . . . . . and . . . . . . counties, and that those persons and their successors do and shall constitute a board of commissioners for the diking and drainage district. The order when made shall be conclusive of the regularity of the election and qualification of the board of diking and drainage commissioners for the particular district, and the persons named therein shall constitute the board of diking and drainage commissioners.
The board of diking and drainage commissioners shall thereupon immediately organize and elect one of their number as chairman and may either appoint a voter of the district or another diking and drainage commissioner to act as secretary. The board shall then proceed to make and cause to be made specifications and details of a system which may be adopted by the board for the improvements to be made, together with an estimate of the total cost thereof; and shall, upon the adoption of the plan of improvement of the district, proceed to acquire the necessary property and property rights for the construction, establishment and maintenance of the system either by purchase or by power of eminent domain as hereinafter provided. Upon such acquisition being had, the board shall then proceed with the construction of the diking and drainage system and in doing so shall have the power to do the work directly or in its discretion to have all or any part of the work done by contract. In case the board shall decide upon doing the same by contract, it shall advertise for bids for the construction work, or such part thereof as they may determine to have done by contract, and shall have the authority to let a contract to the lowest responsible bidder after advertising for bids.
Any contractor doing work hereunder shall be required to furnish a bond as provided by the laws of the state of Washington relating to contractors of public work.
The board shall have the right, power and authority to issue vouchers or warrants in payment or evidence of payment of any and all expenses incurred under this chapter, and shall have the power to issue the same to any contractor as the work progresses, the same to be based upon the partial estimates furnished from time to time by engineers of the district. All warrants issued hereunder shall draw interest at a rate determined by the board.
Upon the completion of the construction of the system, and ascertainment of the total cost thereof including all compensation and damages and costs and expenses incident to the acquiring of the necessary property and property right, the board shall then proceed to levy an assessment upon the taxable real property within the district which the board may find to be specially benefited by the proposed improvements; and shall make and levy such assessment upon each piece, lot, parcel and separate tract of real estate in proportion to the particular and special benefits thereto. Upon determining the amount of the assessment against each particular tract of real estate as aforesaid, the commissioners shall make or cause to be made an assessment roll, in which shall appear the names of the owners of the property assessed, so far as known, and a general description of each lot, block, parcel or tract of land within the district, and the amount assessed against the same, as separate, special or particular benefits. The board shall thereupon make an order setting and fixing a day for hearing any objections to the assessment roll by any one affected thereby, which day shall be at least twenty days after the mailing of notices thereof, postage prepaid, as herein provided. The board shall send or cause to be sent by mail to each owner of the premises assessed, whose name and place of residence is known, a notice, substantially in the following form:
To . . . . . .: Your property (here describe the property) is assessed $ . . . . . A hearing on the assessment roll will be had before the undersigned at the office of the board at . . . . . . on the . . . . day of . . . . . . at which time you are notified to be and appear and to make any and all objections which you may have as to the amount of the assessment against your property, or as to whether it should be assessed at all; and to make any and all objections which you may have to the assessment against your lands, or any part or portion thereof.
The failure to send or cause to be sent such notice shall not be fatal to the proceedings herein described. The secretary of the board on the mailing of the notices shall certify generally that he has mailed such notices to the known address of all owners, and such certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the mailing of all such notices at the date mentioned in the certificate.
The board shall cause at least ten days' notice of the hearing to be given by posting notice in at least ten public places within the boundaries of the district, and by publishing the same at least five successive times in a daily newspaper published in each of the counties affected; and for at least two successive weeks in one or more weekly newspapers within the boundaries of the district, in each county if there are such newspapers published therein, and if there is no such newspaper published, then in one or more weekly newspapers, having a circulation in the district, for two successive weeks. The notice shall be signed by the chairman or secretary of the board of commissioners, and shall state the date and place of hearing of objections to the assessment roll and levy, and of all other objections; and that all interested parties will be heard as to any objection to the assessment roll and the levies as therein made.
[1985 c 396 § 53; 1981 c 156 § 26; 1923 c 140 § 4; 1909 c 225 § 5; RRS § 4365. FORMER PART OF SECTION: 1909 c 225 §§ 9, 11, 21, 28, 32 now codified as RCW 85.24.071, 85.24.073, 85.24.075, 85.24.077, and 85.24.079. Formerly RCW 85.24.070, 85.24.090, 85.24.100, 85.24.110, and 85.24.120.]
Notes: Severability -- 1985 c 396: See RCW 85.38.900.