A flood control district shall be managed by a board of directors consisting of three members. The initial directors shall be appointed, and the elected directors elected, as provided in chapter 85.38 RCW. The directors shall elect a chairman from their number and shall either elect one of their number, or appoint a voter of the district, as secretary to hold office at its pleasure and who shall keep a record of its proceedings.
[1985 c 396 § 58; 1967 c 154 § 7; 1937 c 72 § 87; RRS § 9663E-87. Formerly RCW 86.08.390, part.]
Notes: Severability -- 1985 c 396: See RCW 85.38.900.
Provisions cumulative: "The provisions of this act are cumulative with and shall not amend, repeal or supersede any other powers heretofore or hereafter granted such districts." [1967 c 154 § 5.]