Upon stipulation of the owners of lands within the district, and holders of bond liens against said lands, and the district creditors concerned, the court shall have authority in such proceedings in lieu of the plan of liquidation set forth in RCW 87.56.160, to determine the amount of the district indebtedness remaining after the exhaustion of the district property and the proportion thereof which each ownership of land within the district shall be obligated to pay, and judgment may be rendered in favor of the respective creditors against the several lands concerned. Said judgment may in the discretion of the court provide that the payment thereof shall be made by the landowners in one or more annual installments not to exceed ten in all with annual interest on all unpaid installments at such rate as the court shall fix not in excess of the rate to which the respective creditors may be entitled in their original evidences of indebtedness.
[1925 ex.s. c 124 § 22; RRS § 7543-22. FORMER PART OF SECTION: 1925 ex.s. c 124 § 27; RRS § 7543-27, now codified as RCW 87.56.205.]
Notes:Prerequisite to judgment upon stipulation: RCW 87.56.205.