Hereafter whenever any judge of any superior court or a district or municipal judge shall sentence any person to pay any fine and costs, the judge may, in the judge's discretion, provide that such fine and costs may be paid in certain designated installments, or within certain designated period or periods; and if such fine and costs shall be paid by the defendant in accordance with such order no commitment or imprisonment of the defendant shall be made for failure to pay such fine or costs. PROVIDED, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any sentence given for the violation of any of the liquor laws of this state.
[1987 c 3 § 4; 1923 c 15 § 1; RRS § 2280-1.]
Notes: Severability -- 1987 c 3: See note following RCW 3.70.010.
Applicability -- 1984 c 209: See RCW 9.92.900.
Collection and disposition of fines and costs: Chapter 10.82 RCW.
Payment of fine and costs in installments: RCW 10.01.170.