9.94 - Sentencing reform act of 1981
9.94A.031 "Offender" and "defendant."
[2000 c 28 § 3.]
Expired July 1, 2005.
9.94A.040 Sentencing guidelines commission — Established — Powers and duties.
[2000 c 28 § 41. Prior: 1999 c 352 § 1; 1999 c 196 § 3; prior: 1997 c 365 § 2; 1997 c 338 § 3; 1996 c 232 § 1; 1995 c 269 § 303; 1994 c 87 § 1; 1986 c 257 § 18; 1982 c 192 § 2; 1981 c 137 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.850 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.045 Juvenile disposition standards.
[1996 c 232 § 2.]
Repealed by 1997 c 338 § 72, effective July 1, 1997.
9.94A.050 Sentencing guidelines commission — Research staff — Data, information, assistance — Bylaws — Salary of executive officer.
[1999 c 143 § 10; 1982 c 192 § 3; 1981 c 137 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.855 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.060 Sentencing guidelines commission — Membership — Appointments — Terms of office — Expenses and compensation.
[2001 2nd sp.s. c 12 § 311; 1996 c 232 § 3; 1993 c 11 § 1; 1988 c 157 § 2; 1984 c 287 § 10; 1981 c 137 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.860 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.070 Standard sentence ranges — Revisions or modifications — Submission to legislature.
[1986 c 257 § 19; 1981 c 137 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.865 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.080 Plea agreements — Discussions — Contents of agreements.
[1995 c 288 § 1; 1981 c 137 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.421 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.090 Plea agreements — Information to court — Approval or disapproval — Sentencing judge not bound.
[1995 c 288 § 2; 1984 c 209 § 4; 1981 c 137 § 9.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.431 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.100 Plea agreements — Criminal history.
[1981 c 137 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.441 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.103 Plea agreements and sentences for certain offenders — Public records.
[1997 c 338 § 48; 1995 c 129 § 5 (Initiative Measure No. 159).]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.475 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.105 Judicial records for sentences of certain offenders.
[1997 c 338 § 49; 1995 c 129 § 6 (Initiative Measure No. 159).]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.480 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.110 Sentencing hearing — Presentencing procedures — Disclosure of mental health services information.
[2000 c 75 § 8. Prior: 1999 c 197 § 3; 1999 c 196 § 4; 1998 c 260 § 2; 1988 c 60 § 1; 1986 c 257 § 34; 1985 c 443 § 6; 1984 c 209 § 5; 1981 c 137 § 11.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.500 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.120 Sentences.
[2001 2nd sp.s. c 12 § 312; 2001 c 10 § 2. Prior: 2000 c 226 § 2; 2000 c 43 § 1; 2000 c 28 § 5; prior: 1999 c 324 § 2; 1999 c 197 § 4; 1999 c 196 § 5; 1999 c 147 § 3; 1998 c 260 § 3; prior: 1997 c 340 § 2; 1997 c 338 § 4; 1997 c 144 § 2; 1997 c 121 § 2; 1997 c 69 § 1; prior: 1996 c 275 § 2; 1996 c 215 § 5; 1996 c 199 § 1; 1996 c 93 § 1; 1995 c 108 § 3; prior: 1994 c 1 § 2 (Initiative Measure No. 593, approved November 2, 1993); 1993 c 31 § 3; prior: 1992 c 145 § 7; 1992 c 75 § 2; 1992 c 45 § 5; prior: 1991 c 221 § 2; 1991 c 181 § 3; 1991 c 104 § 3; 1990 c 3 § 705; 1989 c 252 § 4; prior: 1988 c 154 § 3; 1988 c 153 § 2; 1988 c 143 § 21; prior: 1987 c 456 § 2; 1987 c 402 § 1; prior: 1986 c 301 § 4; 1986 c 301 § 3; 1986 c 257 § 20; 1984 c 209 § 6; 1983 c 163 § 2; 1982 c 192 § 4; 1981 c 137 § 12.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.505 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.122 Sentences — Applicable to offenses committed after July 1, 1985.
[1985 c 443 § 8.]
Repealed by 1986 c 257 § 35, effective July 1, 1986; and repealed by 1986 c 301 § 7.
9.94A.123 Legislative finding and intent — Commitment of felony sexual offenders after July 1, 1987.
[1987 c 402 § 2; 1986 c 301 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.830 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.124 Sexual offender sentencing alternatives — Study.
[1989 c 332 § 4.]
Decodified by the code reviser, June 1992.
9.94A.1241 Sexual offender sentencing alternatives — Felonies related to pornography — Study.
[1990 c 155 § 2.]
Decodified by the code reviser, June 1992.
9.94A.125 Deadly weapon special verdict — Definition.
[1983 c 163 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.602 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.127 Sexual motivation special allegation — Procedures.
[1999 c 143 § 11; 1990 c 3 § 601.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.835 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.128 Methamphetamine — Manufacturing with child on premises — Special allegation.
[2000 c 132 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.605 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.129 Chemical dependency.
[1999 c 197 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.607 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.130 Power to defer or suspend sentences abolished — Exceptions.
[2000 c 28 § 9; 1999 c 143 § 12; 1984 c 209 § 7; 1981 c 137 § 13.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.575 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.132 Specialized training.
[1994 sp.s. c 7 § 533.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.580 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.135 Offender work crews.
[2000 c 28 § 27; 1991 c 181 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.725 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.137 Work ethic camp program — Eligibility — Sentencing.
[2000 c 28 § 21; 1999 c 197 § 5; 1995 1st sp.s. c 19 § 20; 1993 c 338 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.690 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.140 Restitution.
[2000 c 28 § 32. Prior: 1997 c 121 § 3; 1997 c 52 § 1; 1995 c 231 § 1; 1994 c 271 § 601; 1989 c 252 § 5; 1987 c 281 § 3; 1982 c 192 § 5; 1981 c 137 § 14.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.750 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.142 Restitution — Application dates.
[2000 c 226 § 3; 2000 c 28 § 33. Prior: 1997 c 121 § 4; 1997 c 52 § 2; prior: 1995 c 231 § 2; 1995 c 33 § 4; 1994 c 271 § 602; 1989 c 252 § 6; 1987 c 281 § 4; 1985 c 443 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.753 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.145 Legal financial obligations.
[2001 c 10 § 3. Prior: 2000 c 226 § 4; 2000 c 28 § 31; 1999 c 196 § 6; prior: 1997 c 121 § 5; 1997 c 52 § 3; 1995 c 231 § 3; 1991 c 93 § 2; 1989 c 252 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.760 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.150 Earned release time.
[2000 c 28 § 28. Prior: 1999 c 324 § 1; 1999 c 37 § 1; 1996 c 199 § 2; 1995 c 129 § 7 (Initiative Measure No. 159); 1992 c 145 § 8; 1990 c 3 § 202; 1989 c 248 § 2; prior: 1988 c 153 § 3; 1988 c 3 § 1; 1984 c 209 § 8; 1982 c 192 § 6; 1981 c 137 § 15.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.728 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.151 Sex offenders — Release from total confinement — Notification of prosecutor.
[1992 c 45 § 1; 1990 c 3 § 122.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.840 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.152 Sex offenders — Release of information — Immunity.
[1990 c 3 § 123.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.843 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.153 Sex offenders — Release of information.
[1990 c 3 § 124.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.846 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.154 Drug offenders — Notice of release or escape.
[1996 c 205 § 4; 1991 c 147 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.610 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.155 Prisoner escape, parole, release, placement, or furlough — Notification procedures.
[1996 c 215 § 4. Prior: 1994 c 129 § 3; 1994 c 77 § 1; prior: 1992 c 186 § 7; 1992 c 45 § 2; 1990 c 3 § 121; 1989 c 30 § 1; 1985 c 346 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.612 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.156 Prisoner escape, release, or furlough — Homicide, violent, and sex offenses — Rights of victims and witnesses.
[1989 c 30 § 2; 1985 c 346 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.614 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.157 Prisoner escape, release, or furlough — Requests for notification.
[1985 c 346 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.616 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.158 Prisoner escape, release, or furlough — Notification as additional requirement.
[1985 c 346 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.618 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.159 Prisoner escape, release, or furlough — Consequences of failure to notify.
[1985 c 346 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.620 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.160 Emergency due to inmate population exceeding correctional facility capacity.
[1999 c 143 § 13; 1984 c 246 § 1; 1983 c 163 § 4; 1981 c 137 § 16.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.870 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.165 Emergency in county jails population exceeding capacity.
[1984 c 209 § 9.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.875 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.170 Tolling of term of confinement, supervision.
[2000 c 226 § 5. Prior: 1999 c 196 § 7; 1999 c 143 § 14; 1993 c 31 § 2; 1988 c 153 § 9; 1981 c 137 § 17.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.625 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.175 Postrelease supervision — Violations — Expenses.
[1988 c 153 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.628 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.180 Term of partial confinement, work release, home detention.
[2000 c 28 § 29; 1999 c 143 § 15; 1991 c 181 § 4; 1988 c 154 § 4; 1987 c 456 § 3; 1981 c 137 § 18.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.731 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.185 Home detention — Conditions.
[2000 c 28 § 30; 1995 c 108 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.734 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.195 Violation of condition or requirement of sentence — Arrest by community corrections officer — Confinement in county jail.
[1984 c 209 § 11.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.631 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.200 Noncompliance with condition or requirement of sentence — Procedure — Penalty.
[1998 c 260 § 4. Prior: 1995 c 167 § 1; 1995 c 142 § 1; 1989 c 252 § 7; prior: 1988 c 155 § 2; 1988 c 153 § 11; 1984 c 209 § 12; 1981 c 137 § 20.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.634 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.200005 "Earnings," "disposable earnings," and "obligee" defined.
[1991 c 93 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7601 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.200010 Legal financial obligation — Notice of payroll deduction — Issuance and content.
[1991 c 93 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7602 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.200015 Legal financial obligations — Payroll deductions — Maximum amounts withheld, apportionment.
[1991 c 93 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7603 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.200020 Legal financial obligations — Notice of payroll deduction — Employer or entity rights and responsibilities.
[1991 c 93 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7604 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.200025 Motion to quash, modify, or terminate payroll deduction — Grounds for relief.
[1991 c 93 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7605 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.200030 Legal financial obligations — Order to withhold and deliver — Issuance and contents.
[1991 c 93 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7606 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.200035 Legal financial obligations — Order to withhold and deliver — Duties and rights of person or entity served.
[1991 c 93 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7607 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.200040 Legal financial obligations — Financial institutions — Service on main office or branch, effect — Collection actions against community bank account, court hearing.
[1991 c 93 § 9.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7608 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.200045 Legal financial obligations — Notice of debt — Service or mailing — Contents — Action on, when.
[1991 c 93 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7609 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.200050 Legal financial obligations — Exemption from notice of payroll deduction or order to withhold and deliver.
[1991 c 93 § 11.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.761 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.2001 Legal financial obligations — Wage assignments — Petition or motion.
[1989 c 252 § 9.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7701 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.2002 Legal financial obligations — Wage assignments — Answer.
[1989 c 252 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7702 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.2003 Legal financial obligations — Wage assignments — Amounts to be withheld.
[1989 c 252 § 11.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7703 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.2004 Legal financial obligations — Wage assignments — Rules.
[1989 c 252 § 12.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7704 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.2005 Legal financial obligations — Wage assignments — Employer responsibilities.
[1989 c 252 § 13.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7705 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.2006 Legal financial obligations — Wage assignments — Form and rules.
[1989 c 252 § 14.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7706 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.2007 Legal financial obligations — Wage assignments — Service.
[1989 c 252 § 15.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7707 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.2008 Legal financial obligations — Wage assignments — Hearing — Scope of relief.
[1989 c 252 § 16.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7708 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.2009 Legal financial obligations — Wage assignments — Recovery of costs, attorneys' fees.
[1989 c 252 § 17.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.7709 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.201 Legal financial obligations — Wage assignments — Sentences imposed before July 1, 1989.
[1989 c 252 § 18.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.771 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.205 Community custody — Violations.
[1999 c 196 § 8; 1996 c 275 § 3; 1988 c 153 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.737 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.207 Community placement, custody violators — Arrest, detention, financial responsibility.
[1999 c 196 § 9; 1996 c 275 § 4; 1988 c 153 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.740 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.210 Which sentences appealable — Procedure — Grounds for reversal — Written opinions.
[2000 c 28 § 10; 1989 c 214 § 1; 1984 c 209 § 13; 1982 c 192 § 7; 1981 c 137 § 21.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.585 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.220 Discharge upon completion of sentence — Certificate of discharge — Obligations, counseling after discharge.
[2000 c 119 § 3; 1994 c 271 § 901; 1984 c 209 § 14; 1981 c 137 § 22.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.637 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.230 Vacation of offender's record of conviction.
[1987 c 486 § 7; 1981 c 137 § 23.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.640 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.250 Clemency and pardons board — Membership — Terms — Chairman — Bylaws — Travel expenses — Staff.
[1981 c 137 § 25.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.880 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.260 Clemency and pardons board — Petitions for review — Hearing.
[1999 c 323 § 3; 1989 c 214 § 2; 1981 c 137 § 26.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.885 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.270 Offender supervision assessments.
[1991 c 104 § 1; 1989 c 252 § 8; 1984 c 209 § 15; 1982 c 207 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.780 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.280 Alien offenders.
[1993 c 419 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.685 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.300 Effective date of RCW 9.94A.310 through 9.94A.450.
[1983 c 115 § 1.]
Repealed by 1986 c 257 § 35, effective July 1, 1986.
9.94A.310 Table 1 — Sentencing grid.
[2000 c 132 § 2; 2000 c 28 § 11. Prior: 1999 c 352 § 2; 1999 c 324 § 3; prior: 1998 c 235 § 1; 1998 c 211 § 3; prior: 1997 c 365 § 3; 1997 c 338 § 50; 1996 c 205 § 5; 1995 c 129 § 2 (Initiative Measure No. 159); (1994 sp.s. c 7 § 512 repealed by 1995 c 129 § 19 (Initiative Measure No. 159)); 1992 c 145 § 9; 1991 c 32 § 2; 1990 c 3 § 701; prior: 1989 c 271 § 101; 1989 c 124 § 1; 1988 c 218 § 1; 1986 c 257 § 22; 1984 c 209 § 16; 1983 c 115 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.510 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.320 Table 2 — Crimes included within each seriousness level.
[2001 2nd sp.s. c 12 § 361; 2001 c 310 § 4; 2001 c 300 § 4; 2001 c 287 § 3; 2001 c 224 § 3; 2001 c 222 § 24; 2001 c 217 § 12; 2001 c 207 § 3; 2001 c 17 § 1. Prior: 2000 c 225 § 5; 2000 c 119 § 17; 2000 c 66 § 2; prior: 1999 c 352 § 3; 1999 c 322 § 5; 1999 c 45 § 4; prior: 1998 c 290 § 4; 1998 c 219 § 4; 1998 c 82 § 1; 1998 c 78 § 1; prior: 1997 c 365 § 4; 1997 c 346 § 3; 1997 c 340 § 1; 1997 c 338 § 51; 1997 c 266 § 15; 1997 c 120 § 5; prior: 1996 c 302 § 6; 1996 c 205 § 3; 1996 c 36 § 2; prior: 1995 c 385 § 2; 1995 c 285 § 28; 1995 c 129 § 3 (Initiative Measure No. 159); prior: (1994 sp.s. c 7 § 510 repealed by 1995 c 129 § 19 (Initiative Measure No. 159)); 1994 c 275 § 20; 1994 c 53 § 2; prior: 1992 c 145 § 4; 1992 c 75 § 3; 1991 c 32 § 3; 1990 c 3 § 702; prior: 1989 2nd ex.s. c 1 § 3; 1989 c 412 § 3; 1989 c 405 § 1; 1989 c 271 § 102; 1989 c 99 § 1; prior: 1988 c 218 § 2; 1988 c 145 § 12; 1988 c 62 § 2; prior: 1987 c 224 § 1; 1987 c 187 § 4; 1986 c 257 § 23; 1984 c 209 § 17; 1983 c 115 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.515 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.330 Table 3 — Offender score matrix.
[1986 c 257 § 24; 1984 c 209 § 18; 1983 c 115 § 4.]
Repealed by 1988 c 157 § 6.
9.94A.350 Offense seriousness level.
[1990 c 3 § 703; 1983 c 115 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.520 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.360 Offender score.
[2001 c 264 § 5; 2000 c 28 § 15. Prior: 1999 c 352 § 10; 1999 c 331 § 1; 1998 c 211 § 4; 1997 c 338 § 5; prior: 1995 c 316 § 1; 1995 c 101 § 1; prior: 1992 c 145 § 10; 1992 c 75 § 4; 1990 c 3 § 706; 1989 c 271 § 103; prior: 1988 c 157 § 3; 1988 c 153 § 12; 1987 c 456 § 4; 1986 c 257 § 25; 1984 c 209 § 19; 1983 c 115 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.525 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.370 Standard sentence range.
[2000 c 28 § 12; 1999 c 143 § 16; 1996 c 248 § 1; 1989 c 124 § 2; 1987 c 131 § 1; 1986 c 257 § 26; 1984 c 209 § 20; 1983 c 115 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.530 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.380 Alternatives to total confinement.
[1999 c 197 § 6. Prior: 1988 c 157 § 4; 1988 c 155 § 3; 1984 c 209 § 21; 1983 c 115 § 9.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.680 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.383 Community custody.
[2000 c 28 § 13; 1999 c 196 § 10; 1988 c 143 § 23; 1984 c 209 § 22.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.545 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.386 Fines.
[1984 c 209 § 23.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.550 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.390 Departures from the guidelines.
[2001 2nd sp.s. c 12 § 314; 2000 c 28 § 8; 1999 c 330 § 1; 1997 c 52 § 4. Prior: 1996 c 248 § 2; 1996 c 121 § 1; 1995 c 316 § 2; 1990 c 3 § 603; 1989 c 408 § 1; 1987 c 131 § 2; 1986 c 257 § 27; 1984 c 209 § 24; 1983 c 115 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.535 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.392 Findings and intent — 1994 c 1.
[1994 c 1 § 1 (Initiative Measure No. 593, approved November 2, 1993).]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.555 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.393 Offender notification and warning.
[1994 c 1 § 4 (Initiative Measure No. 593, approved November 2, 1993).]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.561 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.394 Governor's powers.
[1994 c 1 § 5 (Initiative Measure No. 593, approved November 2, 1993).]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.565 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.395 Abused victim — Resentencing for murder of abuser.
[2000 c 28 § 42; 1993 c 144 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.890 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.400 Consecutive or concurrent sentences.
[2000 c 28 § 14; 1999 c 352 § 11; 1998 c 235 § 2; 1996 c 199 § 3; 1995 c 167 § 2; 1990 c 3 § 704. Prior: 1988 c 157 § 5; 1988 c 143 § 24; 1987 c 456 § 5; 1986 c 257 § 28; 1984 c 209 § 25; 1983 c 115 § 11.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.589 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.410 Anticipatory offenses.
[2000 c 28 § 16; 1986 c 257 § 29; 1984 c 209 § 26; 1983 c 115 § 12.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.595 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.420 Presumptive ranges that exceed the statutory maximum.
[1998 c 235 § 3; 1983 c 115 § 13.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.599 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.430 Introduction.
[1983 c 115 § 14.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.401 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.440 Evidentiary sufficiency.
[2000 c 119 § 28; 2000 c 28 § 17. Prior: 1999 c 322 § 6; 1999 c 196 § 11; 1996 c 93 § 2; 1995 c 288 § 3; prior: 1992 c 145 § 11; 1992 c 75 § 5; 1989 c 332 § 2; 1988 c 145 § 13; 1986 c 257 § 30; 1983 c 115 § 15.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.411 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.545 Community custody.
[2008 c 276 § 304; 2006 c 128 § 4; 2003 c 379 § 8; 2000 c 28 § 13; 1999 c 196 § 10; 1988 c 143 § 23; 1984 c 209 § 22. Formerly RCW 9.94A.383.]
Repealed by 2009 c 28 § 42, effective August 1, 2009; and by 2008 c 231 § 57, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.560 Persistent offenders.
[2000 c 28 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.570 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.590 Mandatory minimum terms.
[2001 2nd sp.s. c 12 § 315; 2000 c 28 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.540 pursuant to 2001 c 10 § 6.
9.94A.602 Deadly weapon special verdict — Definition.
[1983 c 163 § 3. Formerly RCW 9.94A.125.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.825 pursuant to 2009 c 28 § 41, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.605 Methamphetamine — Manufacturing with child on premises — Special allegation.
[2003 c 53 § 60; 2002 c 134 § 3; 2000 c 132 § 1. Formerly RCW 9.94A.128.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.827 pursuant to 2009 c 28 § 41, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.610 Drug offenders — Notice of release or escape.
[2008 c 231 § 26; 2003 c 53 § 61; 1996 c 205 § 4; 1991 c 147 § 1. Formerly RCW 9.94A.154.]
Recodified as RCW 72.09.710 pursuant to 2008 c 231 § 56, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.612 Prisoner escape, parole, release, placement, or furlough — Notification procedures.
[2008 c 231 §27; 1996 c 215 § 4. Prior: 1994 c 129 § 3; 1994 c 77 § 1; prior: 1992 c 186 § 7; 1992 c 45 § 2; 1990 c 3 § 121; 1989 c 30 § 1; 1985 c 346 § 1. Formerly RCW 9.94A.155.]
Recodified as RCW 72.09.712 pursuant to 2008 c 231 § 56, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.614 Prisoner escape, release, or furlough — Homicide, violent, and sex offenses — Rights of victims and witnesses.
[1989 c 30 § 2; 1985 c 346 § 2. Formerly RCW 9.94A.156.]
Recodified as RCW 72.09.714 pursuant to 2008 c 231 § 56, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.616 Prisoner escape, release, or furlough — Requests for notification.
[1985 c 346 § 3. Formerly RCW 9.94A.157.]
Recodified as RCW 72.09.716 pursuant to 2008 c 231 § 56, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.618 Prisoner escape, release, or furlough — Notification as additional requirement.
[1985 c 346 § 4. Formerly RCW 9.94A.158.]
Recodified as RCW 72.09.718 pursuant to 2008 c 231 § 56, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.620 Prisoner escape, release, or furlough — Consequences of failure to notify.
[1985 c 346 § 7. Formerly RCW 9.94A.159.]
Recodified as RCW 72.09.720 pursuant to 2008 c 231 § 56, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.625 Tolling of term of confinement, supervision.
[2008 c 231 § 28; 2000 c 226 § 5. Prior: 1999 c 196 § 7; 1999 c 143 § 14; 1993 c 31 § 2; 1988 c 153 § 9; 1981 c 137 § 17. Formerly RCW 9.94A.170.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.171 pursuant to 2008 c 231 § 56, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.628 Postrelease supervision — Violations — Expenses.
[1988 c 153 § 8. Formerly RCW 9.94A.175.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94B.030 pursuant to 2008 c 231 § 56, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.634 Noncompliance with condition or requirement of sentence — Procedure — Penalty.
[2002 c 175 § 8; 1998 c 260 § 4. Prior: 1995 c 167 § 1; 1995 c 142 § 1; 1989 c 252 § 7; prior: 1988 c 155 § 2; 1988 c 153 § 11; 1984 c 209 § 12; 1981 c 137 § 20. Formerly RCW 9.94A.200.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94B.040 pursuant to 2008 c 231 § 56, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.700 Community placement.
[2003 c 379 § 4; 2002 c 175 § 13; 2000 c 28 § 22.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94B.050 pursuant to 2008 c 231 § 56, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.705 Community placement for specified offenders.
[2003 c 379 § 5; 2000 c 28 § 23.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94B.060 pursuant to 2008 c 231 § 56, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.710 Community custody for sex offenders.
[2000 c 28 § 24.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94B.070 pursuant to 2008 c 231 § 56, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.712 Sentencing of nonpersistent offenders.
[2008 c 231 § 33; 2006 c 124 § 3; (2006 c 124 § 2 expired July 1, 2006); 2006 c 122 § 5; (2006 c 122 § 4 expired July 1, 2006); 2005 c 436 § 2; 2004 c 176 § 3. Prior: 2001 2nd sp.s. c 12 § 303.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94A.507 pursuant to 2008 c 231 § 56, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.713 Nonpersistent offenders — Conditions.
[2006 c 130 § 1; 2001 2nd sp.s. c 12 § 304.]
Repealed by 2008 c 231 § 57, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.715 Community custody for specified offenders — Conditions.
[2008 c 276 § 305. Prior: 2006 c 130 § 2; 2006 c 128 § 5; 2003 c 379 § 6; 2001 2nd sp.s. c 12 § 302; 2001 c 10 § 5; 2000 c 28 § 25.]
Repealed by 2009 c 28 § 42, effective August 1, 2009; and by 2008 c 231 § 57, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.720 Supervision of offenders.
[2003 c 379 § 7; 2002 c 175 § 14; 2000 c 28 § 26.]
Repealed by 2008 c 231 § 57, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.7282 Earned release study.
[2003 c 379 § 12.]
Decodified September 2009.
9.94A.771 Legal financial obligations — Wage assignments — Sentences imposed before July 1, 1989.
[2009 c 28 § 14; 1989 c 252 § 18. Formerly RCW 9.94A.201.]
Recodified as RCW 9.94B.100 pursuant to 2009 c 28 § 41, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.800 Sex offender treatment in correctional facility.
[2000 c 28 § 34.]
Repealed by 2008 c 231 § 57, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.830 Legislative finding and intent — Commitment of felony sexual offenders after July 1, 1987.
[1987 c 402 § 2; 1986 c 301 § 1. Formerly RCW 9.94A.123.]
Repealed by 2008 c 231 § 57, effective August 1, 2009.
9.94A.900 Construction — Chapter 71.06 RCW not affected.
[1981 c 137 § 27.]
Repealed by 1984 c 209 § 32, effective June 30, 1984.
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