(1) If necessary to determine compliance with the requirements of this chapter, an authorized representative of the state engaged in compliance inspections, monitoring, and testing may, by request, require an owner or operator to submit relevant information or documents. The department may subpoena witnesses, documents, and other relevant information that the department deems necessary. In the case of any refusal to obey the subpoena, the superior court for any county in which the person is found, resides, or transacts business has jurisdiction to issue an order requiring the person to appear before the department and give testimony or produce documents. Any failure to obey the order of the court may be punished by the court as contempt.
(2) Any authorized representative of the state may require an owner or operator to conduct monitoring or testing.
(3) Upon reasonable notice, an authorized representative of the state may enter a premises or site subject to regulation under this chapter or in which records relevant to the operation of an underground storage tank system are kept. In the event of an emergency or in circumstances where notice would undermine the effectiveness of an inspection, notice is not required. The authorized representative may copy these records, obtain samples of regulated substances, and inspect or conduct monitoring or testing of an underground storage tank system.
(4) For purposes of this section, the term "authorized representative" or "authorized representative of the state" means an enforcement officer, employee, or representative of the department.
[1998 c 155 § 5; 1989 c 346 § 7.]
Notes: Sunset Act application: See note following chapter digest.