(1) A person who fails to notify the department pursuant to tank notification requirements or who submits false information is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars per violation.
(2) A person who violates this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars for each tank per day of violation.
(3) A person incurring a penalty under this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter may apply to the department in writing for the remission or mitigation of the penalty as set out in RCW 43.21B.300. A person also may appeal a penalty directly to the pollution control hearings board in accordance with RCW 43.21B.300.
[2007 c 147 § 6; 1995 c 403 § 639; 1989 c 346 § 9.]
Notes: Sunset Act application: See note following chapter digest.
Findings -- Short title -- Intent -- 1995 c 403: See note following RCW 34.05.328.
Part headings not law -- Severability -- 1995 c 403: See RCW 43.05.903 and 43.05.904.