If the initiating governments choose to include a water quality component, the watershed plan shall include the following elements:
(1) An examination based on existing studies conducted by federal, state, and local agencies of the degree to which legally established water quality standards are being met in the management area;
(2) An examination based on existing studies conducted by federal, state, and local agencies of the causes of water quality violations in the management area, including an examination of information regarding pollutants, point and nonpoint sources of pollution, and pollution-carrying capacities of water bodies in the management area. The analysis shall take into account seasonal stream flow or level variations, natural events, and pollution from natural sources that occurs independent of human activities;
(3) An examination of the legally established characteristic uses of each of the nonmarine bodies of water in the management area;
(4) An examination of any total maximum daily load established for nonmarine bodies of water in the management area, unless a total maximum daily load process has begun in the management area as of the date the watershed planning process is initiated under RCW 90.82.060;
(5) An examination of existing data related to the impact of fresh water on marine water quality;
(6) A recommended approach for implementing the total maximum daily load established for achieving compliance with water quality standards for the nonmarine bodies of water in the management area, unless a total maximum daily load process has begun in the management area as of the date the watershed planning process is initiated under RCW 90.82.060; and
(7) Recommended means of monitoring by appropriate government agencies whether actions taken to implement the approach to bring about improvements in water quality are sufficient to achieve compliance with water quality standards.
This chapter does not obligate the state to undertake analysis or to develop strategies required under the federal clean water act (33 U.S.C. Sec. 1251 et seq.). This chapter does not authorize any planning unit, lead agency, or local government to adopt water quality standards or total maximum daily loads under the federal clean water act.
[1998 c 247 § 5.]