(1) The board must provide a thirty-day public notice period for the proposal for a local water plan and accept comments from all interested persons during that period.
(2) To become effective, the local water plan must be approved by both the board and the department. A proposed local water plan must not be approved if the board and the department determine the local water plan will not substantially enhance instream flow conditions.
(3) The approved local water plan must be signed by the executive director of the board, by the director, and by all water users participating in the local water plan. The local water plan is a contract among the board, the department, and the water users in which all parties agree to abide by all terms and conditions of the local water plan.
(4) If an approved local water plan is not in compliance with its terms and conditions, the board shall, consistent with the dispute resolution process adopted by the board, seek compliance. If the board revokes a local water plan due to noncompliance, the water users in the local water plan must thereafter exercise the water rights only as the water rights were authorized and conditioned prior to the approval of the local water plan, and all rights and duties that were terms in the local water plan lapse and are not valid or enforceable.
[2009 c 183 § 9.]
Notes: Expiration date -- 2009 c 183: See note following RCW 90.92.010.