(1) A person is guilty of criminal street gang tagging and graffiti if he or she commits malicious mischief in the third degree under RCW 9A.48.090(1)(b) and he or she:
(a) Has multiple current convictions for malicious mischief in the third degree offenses under RCW 9A.48.090(1)(b); or
(b) Has previously been convicted for a malicious mischief in the third degree offense under RCW 9A.48.090(1)(b) or a comparable offense under a municipal code provision of any city or town; and
(c) The current offense or one of the current offenses is a "criminal street gang-related offense" as defined in RCW 9.94A.030.
(2) Criminal street gang tagging and graffiti is a gross misdemeanor offense.
[2008 c 276 § 306.]
Notes: Severability -- Part headings, subheadings not law -- 2008 c 276: See notes following RCW 36.28A.200.