The ballot commissioners shall also provide facsimile diagrams, at least two of which shall be posted on the walls of each polling place. The facsimile diagrams shall be exact diagrams of the face of the voting machines to the end that the voter may become familiar with the location of the parties, offices, candidates and questions as they appear on the voting machine to be used in his precinct. Ballot labels may be affixed to the diagrams to ensure that the position of the names of the candidates in each office division shall appear accurately on the diagrams of each precinct.
The ballot commissioners may, with the consent of the county commission, or the county commission may prepare and mail to each qualified voter at his or her address as shown on the registration books a facsimile sample of the ballot for his or her precinct.
In counties where voting machines have been adopted, the legal ballot advertisements required by articles five and six of this chapter which specify the publication of a facsimile sample ballot shall consist of a facsimile of the face of the voting machine with the names of the candidates and the offices for which they are running shown in their proper positions.