(b) A portion of the revenue source secured to satisfy the Old Fund liabilities as they occur was the first thirty million dollars received pursuant to section IX(c)(1) of the master settlement agreement and the anticipated strategic compensation payments to be received pursuant to section IX(c)(2) of the master settlement agreement;
(c) For purposes of the proclamation, it was assumed that the first thirty million dollars received pursuant to section IX(c)(1) of the master settlement agreement and the anticipated strategic compensation payments to be received pursuant to section IX(c)(2) of the master settlement agreement as calculated pursuant to subsection (a), section twelve of this article would on a calendar year basis provide a maximum of forty-five million dollars per year to satisfy the Old Fund liabilities as they occur;
(d) The Legislature finds and declares that replacing the first thirty million dollars received pursuant to section IX(c)(1) of the master settlement agreement and the anticipated strategic compensation payments to be received pursuant to section IX(c)(2) of the master settlement agreement with fifty million four hundred thousand dollars pursuant to section eighteen of this article for the benefit of the Old Fund, in combination with the remaining portions of the revenue sources secured for the unfunded liabilities of the Old Fund as established in Enrolled Senate Bill No. 1004 during the first extraordinary session of the Legislature, two thousand five, will ensure that a revenue source has been and will continue to remain secured to satisfy the Old Fund liabilities as they occur; and thus all conditions precedent to the issuance of the proclamation by the Governor remain in effect.