§4-2A-8. Out-of-state expenses.
In addition to reimbursement for travel expenses as authorized in section six of this article, each member of the Legislature traveling from West Virginia to an out-of-state point or points and returning incident to the performance of his or her duties as a member of the Legislature or any committee of the Legislature, whether the committee is operating under general law or resolution, where the travel has been duly authorized, is entitled to be reimbursed, upon submission of an expense voucher for the travel, for all reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred incident to the travel, but the total of any and all reimbursed expenses, exclusive of reimbursement for travel expenses, shall not under any circumstances exceed the actual cost of housing at the least expensive available single rate and meal and miscellaneous expenses of fifty-five dollars per day. A receipt for the amount paid for housing and for travel by any public transportation to and from West Virginia shall be submitted with the expense voucher, but a receipt is not required to be submitted with any expense voucher for meal and miscellaneous expenses.