(1) The commission on special investigations provided for in article five, chapter four of this code;
(2) The court of claims provided for in article two and crime victims compensation provided for in article two-a, chapter fourteen of this code;
(3) The legislative auditor provided for in article two, chapter four of this code;
(4) The legislative rule-making review committee provided for in article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code;
(5) The legislative reference library provided for in section three of this article;
(6) The legislative automated systems division;
(7) Legislative services;
(8) Public information; and
(9) Joint services provided by one or more of the joint agencies set forth in this subsection. The following joint services are included:
(A) Bill drafting;
(B) Budget analysis;
(C) Duplicating;
(D) Financial, payroll, personnel and purchasing for joint agencies and personnel;
(E) Fiscal analysis;
(F) Post audits, full performance evaluations and preliminary performance reviews;
(G) Research; and
(H) Joint services to other joint legislative committees created and authorized by this code, to joint standing committees of the Senate and House of Delegates, to standing committees of the Senate and House of Delegates and to legislative interim committees.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter to the contrary, the joint committee on government and finance has the authority to reorganize and restructure the joint legislative agencies, personnel and services as provided in subsection (a) of this section for the purposes of improving their efficiency and the service they provide to the Legislature and to improve the management thereof by the joint committee. To accomplish these purposes, the joint committee may create divisions as it determines necessary and transfer and assign the joint agencies, personnel and services to the divisions. The divisions, joint agencies, personnel and services shall operate under the direction and policies of the joint committee: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the joint committee to alter or redefine the powers, duties and responsibilities vested in the commission on special investigations pursuant to article five of this chapter.