(a) That the future economic base of West Virginia is tied to the development of the forestry industry.
(b) That efforts to enhance and promote the expansion of the forestry industry should be coordinated among the several state and federal agencies, commissions, boards, committees, associations and other entities.
(c) That the development of the forestry and wood products industry will require: (1) The development of multiple-use, sustained-yield management plans for nonindustrial timber tracts; (2) the development of products and markets for the grade of materials that currently comprise a majority of the state's available resources; (3) a stable and predictable tax program for both new and existing firms; (4) a centralized protection program that will reduce risk from fire and pestilence; and (5) financial assistance for the attraction and expansion of new and existing secondary manufacturing facilities with special emphasis on assistance for smaller firms employing less than twenty persons.
(d) That the present and future welfare of the people of the state require, as a public purpose, a continuing effort toward the promotion and development of the forestry and wood products industry.
(e) In recognition of these findings and purposes, it is in the best interest of this state to create the West Virginia forest management review commission as a statutory body.