§5D-1-7. Authority may construct, finance, maintain, etc., natural gas transmission projects and facilities.
To accomplish the public policies and purposes and to meet the responsibility of the state as set forth in this article, the West Virginia public energy authority may initiate, acquire, construct, reconstruct, enlarge, maintain, repair, improve, furnish, equip, lease or rent, and operate natural gas transmission projects at such locations or areas within the state as may be determined by the authority:
Provided, That at least thirty days prior to exercising any such power, the authority shall provide written notice to any local natural gas distribution company or to any company that transports natural gas in intrastate or interstate commerce, which would experience a direct loss of sales to an end- user presently served by such company as a result of such natural gas transmission project. For purposes of this article, notice shall be given either by personal delivery thereof to the affected company to be so notified, or by depositing such notice in the United States mail, postage prepaid, in an envelope addressed to such affected company.