For the purpose of this article, a person is defined as a "veteran" if he or she fulfills the requirements of one of the following subsections:
(a) Served on active duty anytime between the seventh day of December, one thousand nine hundred forty-one, and the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred fifty-five. However, any person who was a reservist called to active duty between the first day of February, one thousand nine hundred fifty-five, and the fourteenth day of October, one thousand nine hundred seventy-six, must meet condition (b) stated below;
(b) Served on active duty anytime between the second day of July, one thousand nine hundred fifty-five, and the fourteenth day of October, one thousand nine hundred seventy-six, or a reservist called to active duty between the first day of February, one thousand nine hundred fifty-five, and the fourteenth day of October, one thousand nine hundred seventy-six, and who served for more than one hundred eighty days;
(c) Entered on active duty between the fifteenth day of October, one thousand nine hundred seventy-six, and the seventh day of September, one thousand nine hundred eighty, or a reservist who entered on active duty between the fifteenth day of October, one thousand nine hundred seventy-six, and the thirteenth day of October, one thousand nine hundred eighty-two, and received a campaign badge or expeditionary medal or is a disabled veteran; or
(d) Enlisted in the armed forces after the seventh day of September, one thousand nine hundred eighty, or entered active duty other than by enlistment on or after the fourteenth day of October, one thousand nine hundred eighty-two; and
(1) Completed twenty-four months of continuous active duty or the full period called or ordered to active duty, or was discharged under 10 U.S.C. 1171, or for hardship under 10 U.S.C. 1173, and received or was entitled to receive a campaign badge or expeditionary medal; or
(2) Is a disabled veteran.
To receive veteran preference, separation from active duty must have been under honorable conditions. This includes honorable and general discharges. A clemency discharge does not meet the requirements of the Veteran Preference Act. Active duty for training in the military reserve and national guard programs is not considered active duty for purposes of veteran preference.
These awards shall be made for the benefit and preference in appointment of all veterans who have heretofore or who shall hereafter take examinations, but shall not operate to the detriment of any person heretofore appointed to a position in a department or agency.