Notwithstanding any other provision of state law, while serving in such capacity, VISTA enlistees may, upon the presentation of authenticated statements of expenses incurred solely in the line of their assigned duties for and on behalf of the state of West Virginia, be reimbursed by the state for such expenses, including mileage, fares for public transportation, and meals and lodging when detailed to duty away from their assigned station: Provided, That this section is in no way designed to supply regular subsistence allowances to VISTA enlistees, as provided in federal regulations allowing for their maintenance and subsistence during the term of their enlistment.
VISTA enlistees, except for the reimbursement of expenses as provided in this section, shall in no way be considered to be employees of the state. They shall not be eligible for participation in the public employees retirement system of the state of West Virginia or to receive any other benefits from the state whatever.