Adequate public notice of the date, time and place of every competitive examination held under the provisions of this article, together with information as to the position to be filled, shall be given at least two weeks prior to such competitive examination. The commission shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for permitting the presence of representatives of the press at any such competitive examination. The commission shall post, in a public place at its office, the eligible list, containing the names and grades of those who have passed such competitive examinations for positions as deputy sheriffs, under this article, and shall indicate thereon such appointments as may be made from said list.
All applicants for appointment or promotion to any position as a deputy sheriff in any such county who have passed the competitive examination specified above shall, before being appointed or promoted, undergo a medical examination which shall be conducted under the supervision of a board composed of two doctors of medicine appointed for such purpose by the sheriff of the county. Such board must certify that an applicant is free from any bodily or mental defects, deformity or diseases which might incapacitate him from the performance of the duties of the position desired and is physically fit to perform such duties before said applicant shall be appointed or promoted to any position. Notwithstanding the first sentence of this paragraph, in the event the commission deems it expedient, the medical examination may be given prior to the competitive examination, and if the medical examination is not passed as aforesaid, the applicant shall not be admitted to the competitive examination.
All deputies who are employed as deputies on the effective date of this article shall be considered to have been appointed under the provisions of this article, without regard to their age, provided they are not on said date sixty-five years of age or older, and without competitive examination or medical examination, and shall hold their positions in accordance therewith for one year from the effective date of this article. The civil service commission shall, however, establish or prescribe a training program for deputies who are employed as such on the effective date of this article, giving due consideration to available training personnel and programs. Such deputies must complete such training program and must score a minimum of sixty points on a written examination in which one hundred points would be the highest possible score. The examination shall be given in accordance with rules and regulations to be promulgated by the civil service commission of the county. A deputy failing to qualify under the provisions of this paragraph may be continued in his position at the discretion of the sheriff but in no event for a period of more than one year. Such person may be reexamined at the discretion of the civil service commission of the county and may qualify as provided in this paragraph.