§7-3-14. Authority to acquire and operate hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities and other related facilities; financing.
The county commission of any county is hereby authorized and empowered to acquire by purchase or construction and to thereafter own, equip, furnish, operate, lease, improve and extend a public hospital, clinic, long-term care facility and other related facilities, with all appurtenances, including the necessary real estate as a site therefor. Any such county public hospital acquired pursuant thereto may include a nurses home and nurses training school. The county commission is further authorized and empowered, upon acquiring a hospital, clinic, long-term care facility or other related facility, to lease to others any or all such facilities for such rentals and upon such terms and conditions as the county commission may deem advisable. For the purpose of paying all or any part of the costs, not otherwise provided, of acquiring, completing, equipping, furnishing, improving or extending such hospital, clinic, long-term care facility or other related facility, the county commission is hereby authorized and empowered by order duly entered of record, to issue and sell the negotiable revenue bonds of such county, which shall be payable solely and only from all or such part of the net revenues from the operation of such county public hospital, clinic, long-term care facility or other related facility as may be provided by said order; and each such revenue bond so issued shall contain a recital that payment or redemption of the bond and payment of the interest thereon is secured by the revenues pledged therefor, and that such bond does not constitute an indebtedness of such county or the county commission thereof within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation or provision. Such revenue bonds may bear such date or dates, may mature at such time or times not exceeding thirty-four years from their respective dates, may bear interest at such rate or rates not exceeding twelve percent per annum, may be of such denomination or denominations, may be in such form, may carry such registration privileges, may be made subject to such terms of redemption with or without premium, and may contain such other terms and covenants not inconsistent with this article as may be provided in such order. Such revenue bonds shall be exempt from taxation by the state of West Virginia and the other taxing bodies of the state. In determining the amount of revenue bonds to be issued, there may be included any expenses in connection with and incidental to the issuance and sale of bonds and for the preparation of plans, specifications, surveys and estimates, interest during the estimated construction period and for six months thereafter, and a reasonable amount for working capital and prepaid insurance. Such bonds may be sold in such manner, at such times and upon such terms as may be determined by the county commission to be for the best interests of the county:
Provided, That no bonds may be sold upon terms which will result in the net interest cost of more than thirteen percent per annum computed to maturity of the bonds according to standard tables of bond values. There may be included in any such order authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds such covenants, stipulations and conditions as may be deemed necessary with respect to the expenditure of the bond proceeds, the operation and maintenance of the county public hospital, clinic, long-term care facility or other related facility, and the custody and application of the revenues from such operation. The holder of any bond or bonds may, by mandamus or other appropriate proceedings, require and compel performance of any duties imposed by law in connection with the hospital, clinic, long-term care facility or other related facility, or any covenant, stipulation or condition that may have been expressed in such bond order.