Additional property may not be included in the district unless it is situated within the boundaries of the municipality.
(b) The governing body of any municipality desiring to so amend its ordinance shall designate a time and place for a public hearing upon the proposal to include additional property. The notice shall meet the requirements set forth in section six of this article.
(c) At the time and place set forth in the notice, the governing body shall afford the opportunity to be heard to any owners of downtown property either currently included in or proposed to be added to the existing district and to any other residents of the municipality.
(d) Following such hearing, the governing body may, by resolution, apply to the council to approve inclusion of such additional property in the district.
(e) If the council shall approve inclusion of such additional property in the district, the governing body of the municipality may then amend its ordinance accordingly.
(f) All businesses and additional property included in a district shall thereafter be subject to all special district excise taxes whether currently existing or thereafter levied.