(1) All interest or return on the investment accruing to the sub-account;
(2) Any gifts, grants, bequests, transfers, appropriations or donations which may be received from any governmental entity or unit or any person, firm, foundation, or corporation; and
(3) Any appropriations by the Legislature which may be made for this purpose.
(b) The Legislature may authorize the establishment of a downtown redevelopment district if the district has been approved by the council pursuant to section seven of this article. Once the establishment of the district has been authorized by the Legislature, the auditor shall thereafter, upon receipt of a monthly requisition from the district board, issue his warrant on the state treasurer for the funds requested from the district's sub-account as provided in section eleven-a, article ten, chapter eleven of this code, to be applied for the purposes described in section five of this article, and the state treasurer shall pay the warrant out of the sub-account.