If the proceeding be for the incorporation of a town or village, and it appears to the county court, upon the returns being canvassed, that a majority of the legal votes cast on the question of incorporation were in favor of such incorporation and the court is satisfied that all of the applicable provisions of this article have been complied with, the court shall by order duly made and entered of record, direct the clerk of said court to issue a certificate of incorporation in form or in substance as follows:
"It appearing to the court that under the provisions of article two, chapter eight of the code of West Virginia, as amended, at an election duly held on the ............ day of .............., 19......., a majority of the legal votes cast on the question of incorporation by the qualified voters of the following territory, to wit: Beginning, etc. (here recite the boundaries), were cast in favor of the incorporation of the town or village of ............................, in the County of .................., bounded as herein set forth; and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that all of the provisions of article two, chapter eight of the code of West Virginia, as amended, have been complied with by the petitioners for said incorporation, said town or village is hereby declared to be a body corporate, duly authorized to exercise all of the corporate powers conferred upon towns or villages by chapter eight of the code of West Virginia, as amended, from and after the date of this certificate. (Signed) ............................, Clerk County Court." Thereupon, the first election of officers shall be held as provided in sections two, three and four, article five of this chapter.
If on the returns being canvassed on the question of incorporation, a majority of the legal votes cast be against incorporation, the proceeding shall be dismissed, and no subsequent proceeding for incorporation of the same territory or any portion thereof shall be considered or election thereon had within a period of three years thereafter.