(b) Limitations. -- Additional property may not be included in the district unless it is situated within the boundaries of the municipality and is contiguous to the then current boundaries of the district.
(c) Public hearing required. --
(1) The council of any municipality desiring to amend its ordinance shall designate a time and place for a public hearing upon the proposal to include additional property. The notice shall meet the requirements set forth in section six of this article.
(2) At the time and place set forth in the notice, the municipality shall afford the opportunity to be heard to any owners of real property either currently included in or proposed to be added to the existing district and to any other residents of the municipality.
(d) Application to West Virginia Development Office. -- Following the hearing, the municipality may, by resolution, apply to the development office to approve inclusion of the additional property in the district.
(e) Consideration by the Executive Director of the Development Office. -- Before the Executive Director of the Development Office approves inclusion of the additional property in the district, the development office shall determine the amount of taxes levied by article fifteen, chapter eleven of this code that were collected by businesses located in the area the municipality proposes to add to the district in the same manner as the base amount of tax was determined when the district was first created. The State Treasurer shall also deposit one twelfth of this additional tax base amount into the General Revenue Fund each month, as provided in section twelve of this article.
(f) Legislative action required. -- After the Executive Director of the Development Office approves amending the boundaries of the district, the Legislature must amend section nine of this article to allow levy of the special district excise tax on business located in geographic area to be included in the district. After the Legislature amends said section, the municipality may then amend its ordinance: Provided, That the ordinance may not be effective any earlier than the first day of the calendar month that begins sixty days after the effective date of the amended ordinance imposing the levy of the special district excise tax on businesses located in the geographic area to be added to the boundaries of the district for which the tax is levied or the first day of a later calendar month as set forth in the ordinance of the municipality.
(g) Collection of special district excise tax. -- All businesses included in a district because of the boundary amendment shall on the effective date of the ordinance, determined as provided in subsection (f) of this section, collect the special district excise tax on all sales on tangible property or services made from locations in the district on or after the effective date of the municipality's ordinance or a later date as set forth in the ordinance.