If any employee or officer of the department shall by direct observation of an incapacitated adult not in the immediate care, custody or control of another have reasonable cause to believe that such incapacitated person is then and there in an emergency situation, then such officer or employee may offer transportation to a hospital or other safe place, other than a jail, to such incapacitated adult for immediate remedial treatment to reduce or avoid the risk of death, or serious injury.
Immediately upon delivery of any incapacitated person to such hospital or other safe place, such officer or employee shall apply to the circuit court for and the court shall appoint, and in the case of an attachment the court shall contemporaneously with its issuance appoint, a guardian ad litem who shall not be an employee of the state, nor be an interested party nor be selected by nor in the employ of any interested party, to represent the interests of such incapacitated adult, and the court shall fix a time, not later than one judicial day later, to determine if such remedial treatment shall continue or such incapacitated adult should be released. A copy of that attachment and notice of such hearing shall be served on any person in whose actual care, custody and control such incapacitated adult is found. If further remedial treatment is required, application shall be promptly made to the county commission or such other proper tribunal for appropriate relief: Provided, That the commitment for further remedial treatment may be continued until proceedings for such appropriate relief be concluded: Provided, however, That application for release from such remedial treatment may be made and granted at any time that the emergency ceases.