§9A-1-5. Compensation of director, veterans' affairs officers, assistants and employees; payment to Veterans' Council members; traveling expenses; meetings of Veterans' Council.
The director shall receive an annual salary as provided in section two-a, article seven, chapter six of this code and necessary traveling expenses incident to the performance of his or her duties. The salaries of the veterans' affairs officers, assistants and employees shall be fixed by the Veterans' Council. The members of the Veterans' Council shall receive no salary, but each member shall receive the same compensation and expense reimbursement as is paid to members of the Legislature for their interim duties as recommended by the Citizens Legislative Compensation Commission and authorized by law for each day or portion thereof engaged in the discharge of official duties. The requisition for such expenses and traveling expenses shall be accompanied by a sworn and itemized statement, which shall be filed with the Auditor and permanently preserved as a public record. The Veterans' Council shall hold its initial meeting on the call of the Governor, and thereafter shall meet on the call of its chairman, except as otherwise provided. With the exception of the first three meetings of the Veterans' Council, none of which shall be of a duration longer than two weeks each, for organizational purposes, the Veterans' Council shall meet not more than once every two months at such times as may be determined by and upon the call of the chairman for a period of not more than two days, unless there should be an emergency requiring a special meeting or for a longer period and so declared and called by the Governor or by the chairman with the approval of the Governor. A majority of the members of the Veterans' Council shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of official business.