The board may employ engineers, architects, inspectors, superintendents, managers, collectors, attorneys and such other employees as in its judgment may be necessary in the execution of its powers and duties, and may fix their compensation, all of whom shall do such work as the board may direct. No contract or agreement with any contractor or contractors for labor or material exceeding in amount the sum of one thousand dollars shall be made without advertising for bidders, which shall be publicly opened and award made to the lowest responsible bidder, with power in the board to reject any and all bids. After the acquisition, construction, equipment and completion of the athletic establishment the board shall operate, manage and control the same, and may order and complete any extensions, and improvements of and to the athletic establishments that the board may deem expedient if funds therefor be available, and shall establish rules and regulations for the use and operation of the athletic establishment, and do all things necessary or expedient for the successful operation thereof.