(b) After the final determination of values has been made in accordance with the provision of subsection (a) of this section and the results certified for use in the tax year for which the ad valorem tax lien attaches on the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred eighty-seven, the assessor and the tax commissioner shall review the list of all property subject to ad valorem taxation (and it shall be the joint, several and co-existing duty of the assessor and the tax commissioner so to do) for the purpose of ascertaining, identifying and listing any and all items of such property which are obviously grossly or significantly overvalued or undervalued; which list, together with their recommendation as to the true and actual value of each such item of such property, shall be certified to the county commission not later than the fourth day of January, in the year one thousand nine hundred eighty-eight, for the use and consideration of the respective boards of equalization and review in February of that year. The assessor shall be reimbursed by the state tax department in an amount not to exceed seventy-five percent of the costs and expenses incurred by the assessor in the review of such lists and the preparation and certification of such report to the board of equalization and review: Provided, That prior approval of the tax commissioner is obtained in advance of the incurring of such costs or expenses. The percentage of reimbursement as to each assessor shall be of a uniform amount as to all assessors.
(c) The provisions of section fourteen of this article shall apply to any matter decided or validated pursuant to this section, as shall the provisions of section eighteen, article one-a of this chapter, to the extent the same are not in conflict with this section.
(d) All other provisions of this article enacted by the Legislature, at the first extraordinary session thereof held in the year one thousand nine hundred eighty-six which are not in conflict with this section shall apply to all matters, circumstances and situations which may be subject to this article, and to the extent of any such conflict, the provisions of this section shall apply.