(a) Lottery winnings subject to withholding. -- Proceeds of more than five thousand dollars from any lottery prize awarded by the West Virginia state lottery commission shall be subject to withholding. The West Virginia state lottery commission in making any payment of a lottery prize subject to withholding shall deduct and withhold from such payment a tax in an amount equal to six and one-half percent of such payment.
(b) Statement by recipient. -- Every person who is to receive payment of winning which are subject to withholding shall furnish the person making such payment a statement made under the penalties of perjury, containing the name, address and taxpayer identification number of the person receiving the payment and each person entitled to any portion of such payment.
(c) Coordination with other sections. -- For the purposes of determining liability for payment of taxes and filing of returns, payments of winnings which are subject to withholding shall be treated as if they were wages paid by an employer to an employee.