§11-6G-13. No release of taxes assessed against such corporations.
Neither the county commission of any county, nor any board of education, nor the municipal authorities of any incorporated town, shall have jurisdiction, power or authority, by compromise or otherwise, to remit or release any portion of the taxes so assessed upon the property of any owner or operator. It shall be the duty of the motor vehicles commissioner to collect the whole thereof, regardless of any order or direction of any county commission, board of education or municipal authority to the contrary. Any member of the county commission or board of education, or of the council of a municipal corporation, who shall vote to remit or release any part of the taxes, so assessed on the property of any owner or operator, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined five hundred dollars, and shall be removed from his or her office by the court by which the judgment of the fine is rendered, in addition to the fine.