(a) The necessity for issuing the bonds or, if a petition has been filed as provided herein, that the petition has been filed;
(b) If for the construction of a county-district road or bridge thereon, a summary of the engineer's report provided for in the following section setting forth the approximate extent and the estimated cost of the proposed improvement and the kind or class of work to be done thereon;
(c) Purpose or purposes for which the proceeds of bonds are to be expended;
(d) Valuation of the taxable property as shown by the last assessment thereof for state and county purposes;
(e) Indebtedness, bonded or otherwise;
(f) Amount of the proposed bond issue;
(g) Maximum term of bonds;
(h) Maximum rate of interest;
(i) Date of election;
(j) That the levying body is authorized to lay a sufficient levy annually to provide funds for the payment of the interest upon the bonds and the principal at maturity and the approximate rate of levy necessary for this purpose;
(k) In the case of school bonds, that the bonds, together with all existing bonded indebtedness, will not exceed in the aggregate five percent of the value of the taxable property in the school district ascertained in accordance with section eight, article X of the constitution; and that the bonds will be payable from a direct annual tax levied and collected in each year on all taxable property in the school district sufficient to pay the principal and the interest maturing on the bonds in that year, together with any deficiencies for prior years, within, and not exceeding thirty-four years, which tax levies will be laid separate and apart and in addition to the maximum rates provided for tax levies by school districts on the several classes of property in section one, article X of the constitution, but in the same proportions as the maximum rates are levied on the several classes of property; and the tax may be levied outside the limits fixed by section one, article X of the constitution.
Any other provision which does not violate any provision of law, or transgress any principle of public policy, may be incorporated in the order.