(1) Fails to go to his or her appointed place of duty at the time prescribed;
(2) Goes from that place; or
(3) Absents himself or herself or remains absent from his or her unit, organization or place of duty at which he or she is required to be at the time prescribed; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
(b) In addition, the offense committed under subsection (a) of this section, constitutes a misdemeanor triable in the criminal courts of this state. Any person convicted hereunder shall be sentenced to confinement in the county or regional jail as follows: (1) One day for each unit training assembly from which the person was absent without leave; or (2) one day for each day of annual training or other duty from which the person was absent without leave.
These sentences are mandatory and shall not be subject to suspension, probation, reduction or home confinement.