(1) "Certain limited items" means personal grooming and hygiene products, food and beverages, convenience items, and items bearing the state police emblem or other insignia that are necessary for training purposes.
(2) "Post exchange" means a particular area located at the state police academy where certain limited items are offered for sale.
(3) "State police academy" means the law-enforcement training facility established pursuant to section three, article two of this chapter located at Institute, West Virginia, or an additional or successor location.
(4) "Superintendent" means the superintendent of state police as established in section two, article two of this chapter.
(5) "Training" means and includes instruction for members of the state police, county sheriffs and deputies, municipal police, law-enforcement officers employed by the division of natural resources, and other persons employed by state or local governmental units charged with enforcing state or local laws, regardless of the length of instruction.