Said county court shall require each of said trustees to enter into bond, with security to be approved by such county court, in such sum as said county court may determine.
Whenever a vacancy in said board of trustees shall occur, either from death, resignation, refusal to qualify, or for any other reason, the county court by and with the approval of the majority of the council of the municipality situate within the said sanitary district, which at the last official census was shown to have the largest population, shall have power to fill such vacancy by appointment; and such person so appointed shall qualify for office in the manner hereinbefore stated and shall thereupon assume the duties of the office for the unexpired term to which such person was appointed: Provided, however, That the membership of the board of trustees shall at all times consist of two members who shall be residents and qualified voters of the municipality situate within the said sanitary district, which at the last official census was shown to have the largest population, and that the third member shall at all times be a resident and qualified voter within the said sanitary district, but from outside the corporate limits of the municipality situate within the said sanitary district, which at the last official census was shown to have the largest population.
Said trustees shall, from the time of their appointment, as provided in this article, be construed to be in law and in equity a body corporate and politic by the name and style of "The board of trustees of the (insert name of county in which district is located) sanitary district," and as such and in such name may prosecute and defend suits and have all other duties, rights and powers incident to corporations, not inconsistent with the provisions of this article.
A majority of the board of trustees shall constitute a quorum, but a smaller amount may adjourn from day to day. A concurrence of the majority shall be necessary to any action of such board.
The trustees appointed in pursuance of the foregoing provisions of this article shall, immediately after their appointment and at their first meeting in May of each year thereafter, elect one of their number as president, whose duty shall be to preside over all meetings of said board, and to call special meetings of said board when he or a majority of said board deem such meetings necessary and in case said president should fail or refuse to call such meeting or meetings, then such meeting or meetings may be called by a majority of said board. Said board of trustees shall adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of the business of said board, and shall fix a stated time at which the regular meetings of said board shall be held. Said board of trustees shall establish an office within said district and shall cause to be kept a full, complete, accurate and itemized account of all its expenditures and appropriations and a complete record of all its proceedings, ordinances, orders, resolutions, rules and regulations.