(b) Any public agency may enter into agreements with one or more other public agencies for the purpose of organizing a regional water authority, regional wastewater authority, or regional water and wastewater authority. Appropriate action by ordinance, resolution or otherwise pursuant to law of the governing bodies of the participating public agencies shall be necessary before any such agreement may enter into force.
(c) Any such agreement shall specify the following:
(1) Its duration;
(2) The precise organization, composition and nature of the authority created thereby together with the powers delegated thereto;
(3)Its purpose or purposes;
(4) The manner of financing for the authority and of establishing and maintaining a budget therefor;
(5) The permissible methods for partial or complete termination of the agreement and for disposing of property upon such partial or complete termination;
(6) The manner of acquiring, holding and disposing of real and personal property of the authority;
(7) Any other necessary and proper matters.
(d) Any such agreement may be amended to include additional public agencies by consent of two thirds of the signatories to the agreement, if no terms of agreement are changed, otherwise a new agreement with the new public agency shall be drawn. Where fewer than three public agencies come together to form an authority, both parties must consent to the amendment of the agreement to include additional public agencies.
(e) Prior to taking effect, every agreement made hereunder shall be submitted to the public service commission for its approval. Failure to disapprove an agreement submitted hereunder within ninety days of its submission shall constitute approval thereof.
(f) Prior to taking effect, an agreement made hereunder shall be filed with the clerk of the county commission of each county in which a member of the authority is located and such agreement then also shall be filed with the secretary of state, accompanied by a certificate from the clerk of the county commission of the county, or counties, where filed, stating that such agreement has been filed in such county.
(g) A public agency which enters into an agreement made hereunder shall not offer or provide water or wastewater services in competition with another public agency entering into such agreement.
(h) A public agency which enters into an agreement made hereunder shall not withdraw from the agreement until such time as the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the authority is retired or the bond holders are otherwise protected.