(b) The advisory council is a part-time council whose members perform such duties as specified in this article. The ministerial duties of the advisory council shall be administered and carried out by the Governor's Office of Health Enhancement and Lifestyle Planning.
(c) Each member of the advisory council shall devote the time necessary to carry out the duties and obligations of the office. Those members appointed by the Governor may pursue and engage in another business or occupation or gainful employment that is not in conflict with the duties of the advisory council.
(d) The advisory council is self-sustaining and independent, however it, its members, the director and employees of the Governor's Office of Health Enhancement and Lifestyle Planning are subject to article nine-a, chapter six of this code and chapters six-b, twenty-nine-a and twenty-nine-b of this code.
(e) The advisory council is comprised of the following governmental officials: The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Resources, or his or her designee, the Director of the Public Employees Insurance Agency, or his or her designee, the Commissioner of the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, or his or her designee, the Chair of the West Virginia Health Care Authority, or his or her designee and the director of the West Virginia Children's Health Insurance Program or his or her designee. The council shall also consist of the following public members: One public member shall represent an organization of senior citizens with at least ten thousand members within the state, one public member shall represent the West Virginia Academy of Family Physicians, one public member shall represent the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce, one public member shall represent a federally qualified health center, one public member shall represent the largest labor organization in the state, one public interest organization that represents the interests of consumers, one public member shall represent West Virginia Hospital Association, one public member shall represent the West Virginia Medical Association, one public member shall represent the West Virginia Nurse's Association and two ex-officio nonvoting members shall be the Speaker of the House, or his or her designee, and the President of the Senate, or his or her designee.
(f) Public members shall be appointed by the Governor with advice and consent of the Senate. Each public member shall serve for a term of four years. Of the public members of the advisory council first appointed, one shall be appointed for a term ending June 30, 2010, and two each for terms of three and four years. The remainder shall be appointed for the full four-year terms as provided in this section. Each public member serves until his or her successor is appointed and has qualified. The Director of the Governor's Office of Health Enhancement and Lifestyle Planning shall serve as chairperson of the advisory council.
(g) Advisory council members may not be compensated in their capacity as members but shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
(h) The advisory council shall meet within the state at such times as the chair may decide, but at least once annually. The advisory council shall also meet upon a call of seven or more members upon seventy-two hours' written notice to each member.
(i) Eight members of the advisory council are a quorum for the transaction of business.
(j) A majority vote of the members present is required for any final determination by the advisory council. Voting by proxy is not allowed.
(k) The advisory council shall keep a complete and accurate record of all its meetings according to section five, article nine-a, chapter six of this code.
(l) Notwithstanding the provisions of section four, article six, chapter six of this code, the Governor may remove any advisory council member for incompetence, misconduct, gross immorality, misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance in office.
(m) The advisory council has general responsibility to review and provide advice and comment to the Governor's Office of Health Enhancement and Lifestyle Planning on its policies and procedures relating to the delivery of health care services or the purchase of prescription drugs. The advisory council shall offer advice to the director on matters over which the office has authority and oversight. This includes, but is not limited to:
(1) Hiring of professional, clerical, technical and administrative personnel as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this article;
(2) Contracts or agreements;
(3) Rule-making authority; and
(4) Development of policy necessary to meet the duties and responsibilities of the Governor's Office of Health Enhancement and Lifestyle Planning pursuant to the provisions of this article.