§16-4-25. Advertisements concerning venereal disease, etc.; penalty; exceptions.
Whosoever publishes, delivers or distributes or causes to be published, delivered or distributed in any manner whatsoever, in this state, any advertisement concerning a venereal disease, lost manhood, lost vitality, impotency, sexual weakness, seminal emissions, varicocele, self-abuse or excessive sexual indulgence, and calling attention to a medicine, article or preparation that may be used therefor, or to a person or persons from whom, or an office or place at which, information, treatment or advice relating to such disease, infirmity, habit or condition may be obtained, is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than three hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six months, or both, in the discretion of the court.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as to prevent legitimate and legal public notices, placards, etc., issued under the direction of the state department of health or as to prevent sending out literature by either the state department of health or the United States public health service.