(1) Emergency medical service attendant: Shall have earned and possess valid certificates from the department or by authorities recognized and approved by the commissioner;
(2) Emergency medical technician-basic: Shall have successfully completed the course for certification as an emergency medical technician-basic as established by the commissioner or authorities recognized and approved by the commissioner; and
(3) Emergency medical technician-paramedic: Shall have successfully completed the course for certification as an emergency medical technician-paramedic established by the commissioner or authorities recognized and approved by the commissioner.
(c) Subsection (b) of this section may not be considered to limit the power of the commissioner to prescribe training, certification and recertification standards.
(d) Any person desiring emergency medical service personnel certification shall apply to the commissioner using forms and procedures prescribed by the commissioner. Upon receipt of the application, the commissioner shall determine whether the applicant meets the certification requirements and may examine the applicant, if necessary to make that determination.
(e) The applicant shall submit to a national criminal background check, the requirement of which is declared to be not against public policy.
(1) The applicant shall meet all requirements necessary to accomplish the national criminal background check, including submitting fingerprints, and authorizing the West Virginia Office of Emergency Services and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to use all records submitted and produced for the purpose of screening the applicant for certification.
(2) The results of the national criminal background check may not be released to or by a private entity.
(3) The applicant shall submit a fee of $75 for initial certification and a fee of $50 for recertification. The fees set forth in this subsection remain in effect until modified by legislative rule.
(f) If the Commissioner determines that the applicant meets all of the requirements, he or she shall issue an appropriate emergency medical service personnel certificate which shall be valid for a period as determined by the commissioner.
(g) State and county continuing education and recertification programs for all levels of emergency medical service providers shall be available to emergency medical service providers at a convenient site within one hundred miles of the provider's primary place of operation at sites determined by the regional emergency medical services offices. The continuing education program shall be provided at a cost specified in a fee schedule to be promulgated by legislative rule in accordance with article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Resources to all nonprofit emergency medical service personnel.
(h) The commissioner may issue a temporary emergency medical service personnel certificate to an applicant, with or without examination of the applicant, when he or she finds that issuance to be in the public interest. Unless suspended or revoked, a temporary certificate shall be valid initially for a period not exceeding one hundred twenty days and may not be renewed unless the commissioner finds the renewal to be in the public interest. The expiration date of a temporary certificate shall be extended until the holder is afforded at least one opportunity to take an emergency medical service personnel training course within the general area where he or she serves as an emergency medical service personnel, but the expiration date may not be extended for any longer period of time or for any other reason.