(b) Administration of medication pursuant to this article shall be performed only by:
(1) Registered professional nurses;
(2) Other licensed health care professionals; or
(3) Facility staff members who have been trained and retrained every two years and who are subject to the supervision of and approval by a registered professional nurse.
(c) Subsequent to assessing the health status of an individual resident, a registered professional nurse, in collaboration with the resident's attending physician and the facility staff member, may recommend that the facility authorize a facility staff member to administer medication if the staff member:
(1) Has been trained pursuant to the requirements of this article;
(2) Is considered by the registered professional nurse to be competent;
(3) Consults with the registered professional nurse or attending physician on a regular basis; and
(4) Is monitored or supervised by the registered professional nurse.
(d) Nothing in this article may be construed to prohibit any facility staff member from administering medications or providing any other prudent emergency assistance to aid any person who is in acute physical distress or requires emergency assistance.
(e) Supervision of self-administration of medication by facility staff members who are not licensed health care professionals may be permitted in certain circumstances, when the substantial purpose of the setting is other than the provision of health care.